Animation Post-Production (Tucker Studios)

Advanced Animation Post-Production

The top video is of our teams' completed production of the models. In the corner, we put in an side by side video of an animatic we were tasked to create assets for. 

Here is the turntable with my assets along with the others' I've worked with in this project.

Below are two models I rigged for the group. One of a bucket with a simple set driven key and weight painting to give it an organic feel when opening. The astronaut was provided to me by my teammate and I was tasked with our producer to rig it. I created a simple rig with a few flares on the feet such as banking, twisting, etc.

Here's the rock ship I've made fully textured and lit. The ship itself is rig solely with set driven keys set to the steps, main ship door, front thrusters, and the four landing mechanisms.

Final Assets (Textured)

Now for these assets of mine. I was asked to create plants for a dark environment, so I thought what better than bio-luminescent plants?

Animation Post Production
White Box Assets Blocking:



Here's my moodboard!


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